Anonymous is wielding a new weapon of mass disruption in its ongoing social media war with the Islamic State — Rick Astley videos.

The “hacktivist” group has been flooding all pro-Isis hashtags with countless videos of the red-headed bass-baritone, according to a recent tweet from the #OpParis account.

Anyone familiar with 1980s music videos knows how unsettling watching Astley sing and dance can be. In fact, as Dazed notes, tricking people to watch his “Never Gonna Give You Up” has been a staple of viruses, protests and other online pranks since 2007.

It’s called “Rickrolling.”

Whenever some Islamic State account attempts to spread a message or try to get a topic trending, the subject with be barraged with Rick videos from the late ’80s.

ISIS, which relies heavily on social media, is not taking Anonymous’ tactic lightly. It already released instructions aimed at thwarting the hackers after Anonymous posted information on 11,000 jihadist Twitter accounts, prompting them to shut down.