Trump’s radical new foreign policy portends much worse to come

As Fareed Zakaria has pointed out this week in the Washington Post and on CNN GPS, we now have a Trump foreign policy doctrine, and it is not reassuring for the World. Obviously heavily influenced by Bannon, who many had thought had been relegated to backseat status by McMaster, we have been fooled again. As Trump demonstrates his RealPolitik admiration for authoritarians like Putin, Xi Jinping, Erdogan, and Duterte, more sinister scenarios begin to crystallize.  Trump’s speech justifying the withdrawal of the United States from the COP21 Paris Climate Change Agreement is a frightening exposition of this new Trump Doctrine. It is Trump thumbing his nose at the World. It is the United States against the World, led by a coterie of plutocrats and their money.  The reality is that the evidence points to an ongoing seizure of executive power by Trump that destroys our Constitution in the name of our national security.  The question is what we can do about it. 

Trump Blows Off the Rest of the World

Trump Climate Change Speech More About Political Power Than Climate Change

Donald Trump and Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte

Fareed Zakaria has pointed out this week in the Washington Post and on CNN GPS, that we now have a Trump foreign policy doctrine, and it is not reassuring for the World. It is openly declaring its intent to destroy the World as we know it. New York Times Conservative columnist David Brooks reached the same conclusion. Obviously heavily influenced by Bannon, who many had thought had been relegated to backseat status by McMaster, we have been fooled again. As Trump demonstrates his Henry Kissinger RealPolitik admiration for authoritarians like Putin, Xi Jinping, Erdogan, and Duterte, more sinister scenarios begin to crystallize.  Trump’s speech justifying the withdrawal of the United States from the COP21 Paris Climate Change Agreement is a frightening exposition of this new Trump Doctrine. It is Trump thumbing his nose at the World. It is the United States against the World, led by a coterie of plutocrats and their money.  It was moved along by a campaign carefully crafted by fossil fuel industry players, most notably Charles D. Koch and David H. Koch, the Kansas-based billionaires who run a chain of refineries (which can process 600,000 barrels of crude oil per day) as well as a subsidiary that owns or operates 4,000 miles of pipelines that move crude oil. The reality is that the evidence points to an ongoing seizure of executive power by Trump that destroys our Constitution in the name of our national security.  The big rhetorical question is what we can do about it?

Read more: Gary Cohn and H.R. McMaster Wall Street Journal editorial: The New Trump Foreign Policy Doctrine

Read more: Fareed Zakaria Washington Post editorial: Trump’s radical departure from postwar foreign policy – The Washington Post

Read more: David Brooks New York Times editorial:

Read more:


How to write to the Electoral College

Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. Presidential election has evolved into a genuine and unprecedented national crisis. The Electoral College meets December 19th. Over the years, the Electoral College has deteriorated into a quant rubber-stamp of each state’s elector outcome. Some states have even passed laws that prohibit electors from changing their votes. However, this is patently un-Constitutional and not the intent of The Founders. Alexander Hamilton wrote in the Federalist Papers that the intent was for the Electoral College to be a check on exactly the situation we are facing. Meanwhile, a group of electors has demanded that the CIA share its evidence with the Electoral College.

Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. Presidential election has evolved into a genuine and unprecedented national crisis. Over the years, the Electoral College has deteriorated into a quaint rubber-stamp of each state’s elector outcome. Some states have even passed laws that prohibit electors from changing their votes. However, this is patently un-Constitutional and not the intent of The Founders. Alexander Hamilton wrote in the Federalist Papers that the intent was for the Electoral College to be a check on exactly the situation we are facing. Meanwhile,  a group of EC electors has demanded that the CIA share with the Electoral College its evidence of Russian interference in the election.

Christoper Suprun, a Texas elector, a Republican, and a 9/11 first responder, declared in an electrifying editorial in the New York Times last week that he will not vote for Donald Trump.  We all need to read Suprun’s impassioned patriotic words.

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The CIA revelation on October 7th that the Russian hacking was directed by the Kremlin, has been followed by last week’s confirmation from the CIA that the motive was not only destabilization but to aid the election of Donald Trump. Obama has called for his own Presidential report before January 20th. Many members of Congress have already been shown the CIA evidence. Congress is now in bipartisan agreement that it requires a full-scale investigation. Some are already calling for a national “investigative commission” like those for the Kennedy assassination and the 9/11 attacks.  All of this, and the Electoral College issue, requires our fullest attention.

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The Hamilton Electors:

How to write to the Electoral College

Source: – How to write to the Electoral College

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The purpose of this site is to help you send your own signed postal letters to the members of the Electoral College from states won by Donald Trump to ask them, respectfully, not to vote for Trump.

The electors have already received a ton of e-mail and news attention, but a personal letter means a lot more. A single good old-fashioned, voter-to-voter personal letter is probably worth a thousand e-mails.

How realistic is it that we can politely convince enough electors to abandon Trump (and choose the popular-vote winner Hillary Clinton instead)? Admittedly, the chances are slim, but this is our only shot! Nothing else at this point, other than swaying the electors, can stop Trump from becoming president. Let’s not throw away our shot!



I’ve prepared a ready-to-print, customizable mail-merge in Microsoft Word and a set of ready-to-print Avery Standard 5160 labels for envelopes. Just download, add your name and address (customize more if you want), print, sign, put them in envelopes, address the envelopes, apply stamps, and mail.

So far, I have addresses for about 260 Trump-pledged electors. Total cost of postage if you mail them all: $122. Estimated time to print, sign, stamp them all: just under two hours.

If that’s too much for you, fear not. I’ve also broken it down by state. Just download the states whose electors you care the most about and write to those. (May I suggest Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Ohio?)

Click here to see the content of the letter.

That’s it. Each document has an identical instruction sheet for easy execution. And the best thing is, if you don’t like the letter I wrote, you can change it however you like. This is your letter to the electors.

But remember: The Electoral College will cast its official votes on December 19, so we’ve got to act fast. The electors are elected officials. We voted for them when we voted for president in our various states. It is right that they hear from us.



I’m Jeff Strabone, registered Democrat from New York. I’m a U.S. citizen and voter who is terrified by the prospect of Donald Trump becoming president. He lost the popular vote and is unfit to be our president. If the electors take their responsibility seriously, I believe they’re obligated to block Trump. That is why I’m asking you to join me in sending polite, respectful letters asking them to do so.

Thank you.

Jeff Strabone

Minister of Information


Twitter: @jeffstrabone


Boris Johnson is a clown who has united the EU against Britain

Britain can be proud of itself. Once again, it had already shown the world the way. In propelling Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage to triumph on 23 June, it demonstrated well before 8 November that Donald Trump was nothing new. In fact foolishness, vulgarity, inconsistency, and irresponsibility seem actually to be British inventions that have been painstakingly copied – once more – by the Americans. The age of such drab characters as Margaret Thatcher and David Cameron is over. No more, it appears, must we suffer leaders equipped with a brain and a sense of the common interest. The hour of the political clown has come.

The Foreign Secretary’s clumsiness and ignorance has undermined his own country’s exit strategy

Boris Johnson in Pakistan.
‘Johnson does not seem to grasp that it takes a mind with a rare degree of finesse to be able to combine humour and diplomacy.’

Britain can be proud of itself. Once again, it had already shown the world the way. In propelling Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage to triumph on 23 June, it demonstrated well before 8 November that Donald Trump was nothing new.

In fact foolishness, vulgarity, inconsistency, and irresponsibility seem actually to be British inventions that have been painstakingly copied – once more – by the Americans.

The age of such drab characters as Margaret Thatcher and David Cameron is over. No more, it appears, must we suffer leaders equipped with a brain and a sense of the common interest. The hour of the political clown has come.

In a few short weeks, Boris Johnson, the former journalist – for whom facts were never an obstacle likely to get in the way of a good story – has succeeded in squandering what little sympathy and understanding was left in Europe for a Great Britain embroiled in the mess of this referendum.

It is quite some diplomatic achievement to have succeeded in uniting, as never before, the 27 remaining members of the European Union – including Germany and the Netherlands – who are all now firmly together in deciding to do the UK no favours whatsoever.

It will be a “hard Brexit” not because that is what Theresa May wants, but because her future ex-partners consider they have no choice faced with a Great Britain so resolutely indecisive.

Johnson has deeply annoyed his continental partners by displaying, firstly, his complete ignorance of the union (perhaps not altogether surprising if you knew him as a “journalist” in Brussels, as I did). According to his very personal interpretation of the European treaties, it is “bollocks” to say that the four fundamental freedoms (free movement of people, goods, services and capital) are inseparable.

“Everybody now has it in their head that every human being has some fundamental God-given right to move wherever they want,” he said earlier this month.

For Johnson, here there can of course be a “dynamic trade relationship and we will take back control of our borders, but we remain an open and welcoming society”.

Yet the German finance minister, Wolfgang Schäuble, warned him very clearly as early as September. “We’ll happily send Her Majesty’s foreign minister a copy of the Lisbon treaty,” he said. “He can then read about the fact that there’s a certain connection between the single market and the four freedoms. At a pinch, I can talk about it in English.”

Schäuble reiterated on 18 November that there “will be no à la carte menu. There is only the whole menu or none.” His Dutch colleague Jeroen Dijsselbloem, meanwhile, hammered the message home: Johnson is spouting stuff that is “intellectually impossible” and “politically unachievable”.

Boris Johnson stuck on a zip line.
Boris Johnson stuck on a zip line during his time as mayor of London. Photograph: Barcroft Media

Nevertheless, Johnson repeats his mantra ad infinitum: he is right, and the others are all wrong. The problem, however, is that at the end of the day it is the others who will decide. And if you want something from someone, it is generally wiser to avoid telling them they are an idiot.

But the foreign secretary adds clumsiness to ignorance. Johnson – who has, remember, written a biography of Winston Churchill – does not seem to grasp that it takes a mind with a rare degree of finesse to be able to combine humour and diplomacy.

His quip that the Italians would sell less prosecco to Britain if the UK was not able to stay in the single market not only created a diplomatic incident, but underlined the obvious weakness of the British argument: if the EU risks losing access to a market of 64 million Brits, Britain will lose access to a market of 440 million Europeans.

And last but not least, Johnson, who himself raised the spectre of hordes of Turkish citizens arriving in the UK if it stayed in the union, now steps up as as the most ardent defender there is of Ankara joining the EU – even if it reintroduces the death penalty.

“I can no longer respect this,” raged the normally placid Manfred Weber, leader of the conservative EPP group in the European parliament. “When you want to leave a club, you have no say anymore in the long-term future of this club.”

A famous French screenwriter Michel Audiard coined a phrase in the early 1960s that applies perfectly to Johnson: “Les cons, ça ose tout, c’est même à ça qu’on les reconnaît.” This means, roughly: “Fools” (to choose a relatively inoffensive rendering) “will try anything – that’s how you know they’re fools.”

The foreign secretary, who like Trump is no fan of beating about the bush, will pardon my familiarity. Or perhaps not.

Italy, Austria, and France Likely Next To Join Global Populist Tsunami

Italy, Austria, and France, in that order, are the next dominos likely to fall in the global wave of populist political sentiment. Italy and Austria will both go to the polls on the same day next month, December 4th, for somewhat different reasons, but with both outcomes likely to advance the political forces on the right in Europe. In Austria, it’s expected that Norbert Hofer of the Freedom Party will prevail. That would make him the first elected far-right leader in Western Europe since 1945. Italy’s vote is a referendum initially scheduled for the fall. On the table is a package of constitutional reforms that Prime Minister Matteo Renzi has proposed to streamline lawmaking, but it is increasingly being seen a plebiscite on Renzi’s government, which it appears he may lose, causing his government to fall, and creating an opportunity for the far right to form a new anti-immigration government. In the upcoming 2017 Presidential election in France, ultra-nationalist Marine Le Pen is seen as the possible front-runner.

Why some of Europe’s top leaders are walking dead

Italy, Austria, and France, in that order, are the next dominos likely to fall in the global wave of populist political sentiment. Italy and Austria will both go to the polls on the same day next month, December 4th, for somewhat different reasons, but with both outcomes likely to advance the political forces on the right in Europe. In Austria, it’s expected that Norbert Hofer of the Freedom Party will prevail. That would make him the first elected far-right leader in Western Europe since 1945.  Italy’s vote is a referendum initially scheduled for the fall. On the table is a package of constitutional reforms that Prime Minister Matteo Renzi has proposed to streamline lawmaking, but it is increasingly being seen a plebiscite on Renzi’s government, which it appears he may lose, causing his government to fall, and creating an opportunity for the far right to form a new anti-immigration government. In the upcoming 2017 Presidential election in France, ultra-nationalist Marine Le Pen is seen as the possible front-runner.


An especially vote-heavy year lies ahead in Europe, with potentially heavy political casualties. Millions of people are heading to the polls and many are in an agitated mood.

Source: Taking aim at the establishment: Why some of Europe’s top leaders are walking dead – World – CBC News

Millions of voters have a chance soon to clobber the establishment as Trump supporters did

By Nahlah Ayed, CBC News Posted: Nov 13, 2016 5:00 AM ET Last Updated: Nov 13, 2016 12:09 PM ET

French far-right leader Marine Le Pen arrives in Nanterre on Nov. 9 to make a statement on the U.S. election. Le Pen was one of Europe's first nationalist leaders to congratulate president-elect Donald Trump.

French far-right leader Marine Le Pen arrives in Nanterre on Nov. 9 to make a statement on the U.S. election. 

If you were surprised by the outcome of the U.S. presidential election, you might want to brace yourself for the cartwheels of change about to roll across Europe.

Because of an unusual set of circumstances, ahead is an especially vote-heavy year with potentially heavy political casualties. Millions of people are heading to the polls, and many are in an agitated mood.

The lineup of elections and referendums is a wide-open opportunity for mass venting about the many frustrations of the past years: the migration crisis, the economic crisis, the bailouts, and fallout, in a flailing European Union.

Like Nov. 8 in the U.S. — and June 23 with Brexit — the succession of polls is also a chance to clobber the establishment.

Naturally, Europe’s anti-establishment protest parties stand to reap the benefits of the discontent.

At risk are some of Europe’s top leaders, now suddenly among the political walking dead.

France 2016 US Election

French President Francois Hollande leaves after making a statement in Paris on Nov. 9 about the results of the U.S. election. 

By this time next year, the world’s most powerful gatherings could look very different. Donald Trump aside, rarely before has the prospect for change in the international arena been so sweeping.

Even before Trump’s triumph, Europe’s political house looked set for an overhaul. The winds of change were already blowing in France, Germany, Austria, Italy and elsewhere.

Gales in opposition sails

But Trump’s winning bluster is now putting gales in the sails of Europe’s populists and nationalists riding the anti-establishment mood.

“The French reaction was: absolutely, this is a huge boost to [populist National Front leader] Marine Le Pen,” says Xenia Wickett, the head of the U.S. and Americas program at Chatham House, an international affairs think-tank.

“The prospect of a Le Pen government in Paris is very, very real.”

Le Pen’s is an anti-immigrant, anti-establishment party. She was one of the first nationalist leaders to congratulate Trump, while her father Jean-Marie Le Pen, founder of the party, tweeted, “Today, the United States. Tomorrow, France. Bravo!”

Once on the fringes of France’s political landscape, Le Pen could be one of two candidates in the final run-off for president — and in light of Trump’s victory, France’s elite are now openly musing about the possibility she could actually win next spring, unseating Francois Hollande.

Trump The Brexit Effect

Donald Trump welcomes Nigel Farage, leader of the United Kingdom Independence Party, to speak at a campaign rally in Jackson, Miss., on Aug. 24. 

But the votes that will initially set the tone for Europe’s coming year are happening far sooner, and on a single day.

On Dec. 4, Italy and Austria go to the polls. Neither would normally be on Europe’s agenda this late in the year — putting them squarely, and perhaps ominously, in the American election’s wake.

Austria’s contest is a rerun of an earlier, close presidential vote, and it’s expected that Norbert Hofer of the Freedom Party will prevail. That would make him the first elected far-right leader in Western Europe since 1945.

Referendum in Italy

Italy’s vote is a referendum initially scheduled for the fall. On the table is a package of constitutional reforms that Prime Minister Matteo Renzi has proposed to streamline lawmaking.

But because of growing anger over the migration crisis — Italy has become the top destination for asylum seekers — as well as over corruption and dangerously high unemployment, the vote is being seen as a plebiscite on Renzi’s performance. So far it looks like he might lose — and that might bring down his government.

Waiting in the wings is the Five Star Movement, a protest party that wants curbs on migration and a referendum on dumping the euro.

Germany Government

German Chancellor Angela Merkel leads the weekly cabinet meeting in Berlin on Nov. 2. 

Also at risk are several other leaders and governments, some of whom have been around for the better part of a decade.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s popularity and her party have been hurt by the migration crisis and her decision to allow hundreds of thousands of mostly Syrians to enter the country last year.

Her Christian Democratic Union saw support plummet in local elections this year. The beneficiary was again an anti-immigrant party on the rise. The right-wing Alternative for Germany is expected to do well in next year’s national election, too.

Trump’s ‘patriotic spring’

In the Netherlands, Geert Wilders’ anti-Islam and anti-immigrant Freedom Party stands to build on the back of the disillusionment. He may not form the next government after the March vote, but his party’s influence is expected to grow.

He calls Trump’s victory the latest episode of a “patriotic spring.”

While many of these parties are inspired by Trump’s win, it was actually a protest party on this side of the Atlantic that formed the best and perhaps worst model for harnessing the growing malcontent in the West.

The United Kingdom Independence Party, under Nigel Farage, had very little chance of forming a government. But it managed to help force a referendum and motivate the disillusioned to bring Britain to vote to leave the EU — and change the face of Europe.

“I’m the catalyst for the downfall of the Blairites, the Clintonites, the Bushites, and all these dreadful people who work hand in glove with Goldman Sachs and everybody else, have made themselves rich, and ruined our countries,” he said last week.

It is certainly language that is resonating across this continent and across the pond.

Farage, Trump, and others are tapping into a rich vein of discontent that will yet produce many more surprising headlines.

Obama Trump

U.S. President Barack Obama meets president-elect Donald Trump in the Oval Office on Nov. 10.