Surprising WSJ Investigative Indictment of Alleged “Clean Coal.”

In a somewhat surprising article this weekend, Wall Street Journal investigative reporters Rebecca Smith and Cameron McWhirter have reported on the sorry saga of efforts to create allegedly “clean coal” in Mississippi. This is one of those topics that one would expect the Wall Street Journal to crow about, as it is part of the Murdoch Fox News Empire. What better than another great story about how American technology is once again conquering a challenge by make coal clean and affordable, like in the television ads….? But when the evidence does not add up, the Murdoch minions can reinvent the story as an indictment of government policy and waste. This story has obvious implications for the continued reliance on coal in China and the United States, and the associated problems with carbon emissions from the tar sands in Alberta.

In a somewhat surprising article this weekend,  Wall Street Journal investigative reporters Rebecca Smith and Cameron McWhirter have reported on the sorry saga of efforts to create allegedly “clean coal” in Mississippi.  This is one of those topics that one would expect the Wall Street Journal to crow about, as the WSJ is now part of the Murdoch Fox News Empire. What better than for the WSJ to tout another great story about how American technology is once again conquering the challenge of making coal clean and affordable, like in the television ads…

But when the evidence does not add up, the Murdoch minions can easily reinvent the story into an indictment of government policy and waste. How convenient for them!

This story has obvious implications for the continued reliance on coal in China and the United States, and the associated problems with carbon emissions from the tar sands in Alberta.

Reblogged from: The Wall Street Journal, October 13, 2013

WSJ: Mississippi Plant Shows the Horrible True Cost of Alleged

Clean Coal





DE KALB, Miss.—For decades, the federal government has touted a bright future for nonpolluting power plants fueled by coal. But in this rural corner of eastern Mississippi, the reality of so-called clean coal isn’t pretty.

Mississippi Power Co.’s Kemper County plant here, meant to showcase technology for generating clean electricity from low-quality coal, ranks as one of the most-expensive U.S. fossil-fuel projects ever—at $4.7 billion and rising. Mississippi Power’s 186,000 customers, who live in one of the poorest regions of the country, are reeling at double-digit rate increases. And even Mississippi Power’s parent, Atlanta-basedSouthern Co., SO +0.29% has said Kemper shouldn’t be used as a nationwide model.

Meanwhile, the plant hasn’t generated a single kilowatt for customers, and it’s anyone’s guess how well the complex operation will work. The company this month said it would forfeit $133 million in federal tax credits because it won’t finish the project by its May deadline.


Labor and material costs for the Kemper plant exceeded expectations.

One of just three clean-coal plants moving ahead in the U.S., Kemper has been such a calamity for Southern that the power industry and Wall Street analysts say other utilities aren’t likely to take on similar projects, even though the federal government plans to offer financial incentives.

Southern recently took $990 million in charges for cost overruns approaching $2 billion. The company’s stock has been battered in the past year, and the company’s market value has dropped $6.4 billion since April, to $35.8 billion. Mississippi Power’s credit rating has dropped to three notches above junk.

Kemper “is scaring people away,” says Michael Haggarty, an analyst for Moody’s Investors Service in New York.

And clean coal’s costs have looked even worse recently in comparison with a new inexpensive alternative: plants fueled by the natural gas unleashed by a U.S. drilling boom. Southern last year decided against purchasing a 10-year-old gas-fired plant in Jackson, Miss., that would have generated about as much electricity as Kemper. Another company bought it for $206 million, billions less than Kemper will cost.

Rising on what was once farmland here, the 582-megawatt Kemper plant is designed to convert a low grade of coal, lignite, into clean-burning syngas, which is similar to natural gas. As part of that process, the plant will strip out and capture 65% of the carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, that would have been released into the atmosphere by burning coal. Turning coal to gas before burning it, or gasification, has proved necessary for capturing CO2 because efforts to cull it from plants that burn coal haven’t been practical.

Keeping CO2 out of the atmosphere is a goal of the Obama administration’s since greenhouse gases have been implicated in climate change. The government last month set limits on CO2 emissions from new power plants and cited Kemper as evidence that power plants could meet the new standards.

“We’re confident plants of the future will be built with this technology,” says Janet McCabe, acting assistant administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. The administration’s pollutions limits, she says, are “practical and achievable.”

Southern’s view is more nuanced.

Ed Holland, chief executive of Mississippi Power, says the federal plan to limit greenhouse-gas emissions “bodes well for this technology.” While expensive, he says, it is “one of the few alternatives available allowing us to continue to use coal.”

But Southern last month said Kemper “cannot be consistently replicated on a national level” and therefore “should not serve as a primary basis for new emissions standards.”

Federal officials say it isn’t unusual for new technology to be expensive at first and that clean coal’s costs should come down over time.

Through various subsidies, the federal government had committed nearly $700 million for the Mississippi Power plant, though part of that was the $133 million that the utility will forfeit because of delays. For decades, under Democratic and Republican administrations, the department has poured billions of dollars into clean-coal research and development, sometimes working with Southern’s “test kitchen” for new technology near Wilsonville, Ala.

Demonstration projects haven’t gone smoothly. The Department of Energy spent several hundred million dollars on two early clean-coal projects in the 1990s that had a series of technical problems.

Southern proposed building a clean-coal plant in Florida in 2005 but canceled the project in 2007 after state officials expressed anticoal sentiments.

Mississippi officials welcomed Kemper two years later, however. Republican Haley Barbour, governor at the time, was happy to see Mississippi Power use large deposits of lignite that had “virtually no value,” he says today. He still supports the project, and his lobbying firm does work for Southern. “This is cutting-edge technology,” he says.

The Mississippi Public Service Commission approved Kemper, fearing that the price of the natural gas that powers many plants in the state would increase, says Leonard Bentz, who was a commissioner until August.

Mississippi Power told the commission in 2009 that natural gas could hit $20 per million British thermal units and would drop no lower than $7.38 between 2014 and 2054. The forecast was filed confidentially, so wasn’t subject to public review. The Journal obtained a redacted copy from the utility after filing a request under public-records law.

Its forecast was made even after energy companies had discovered a way to pull gas from previously inaccessible shale-rock formations. The resulting glut means that natural-gas prices haven’t topped $6 per million BTUs since January 2009. Today, they are around $3.75.

Jeff Burleson, vice president of system planning for Southern, says the projections look flawed today because the industry was “in transition from conventional gas to shale gas” in 2009.

The company in June 2010 won state approval to go ahead with the project and by that December had broken ground on a 3,000-acre tract.

Kemper’s cost, previously projected at around $2.9 billion, soon began to soar. Southern recently estimated the price tag at $4.7 billion. The utility says it underestimated labor costs and the amount of steel pipe, concrete and other materials it would need for so big a plant.

Because the state Legislature allowed Southern to charge customers for the plant’s costs before it began generating power, customer rates began to rise, jumping 15% this year. A 3% increase is scheduled for next year, though the company is seeking 7%.

Criticism has been growing from environmental groups, tea-party activists and some business leaders, who fear that rising electricity rates will make Mississippi less competitive.

The state chapter of the Sierra Club, which has been trying to block the plant, says public opinion is shifting in the club’s favor.”When it first came out, it was the greatest thing since sliced bread,” says Louie Miller, state director of the environmental group. “Now everyone has turned against it.”

Regulators and Southern agreed in January to cap costs that customers would cover at $2.88 billion, far below the $4.7 billion projected cost. But Southern recently won approval from the Legislature to sell up to $1 billion in bonds to help cover about half the difference; customers will repay the bonds through a surcharge on bills.

“Cost overruns are not something we wanted, but we believe we’ve done right by customers” by splitting the cost between customers and shareholders, says company spokeswoman Christy Ihrig.

Customers are not pleased.

In Meridian, just south of Kemper County, Neubern Atkinson says his Lucas Road Art and Jewelry gallery hasn’t recovered from the recession. “I’m already on a shoestring budget in this economy,” the 66-year-old says, “and this may be the deciding factor in me staying open.”

Mississippians who still favor the plant mostly live in and around De Kalb, which has welcomed construction workers to its rental houses and grocery stores. At the project site, cranes are in almost continuous operation. Six days a week, the sounds of welding, hammering and truck engines resound across the low hills.

Faye Wilson, executive director of the Kemper County Chamber of Commerce, says the income will “benefit the county for years to come.”

Some locals have another reason to remain enthusiastic: They don’t have to pay for the plant. Many Kemper County residents get power from the federal Tennessee Valley Authority, which charges some of the lowest electricity rates in the country.

Write to Rebecca Smith at and Cameron McWhirter

Stanford B School Guest Lecturer Tony Seba, October 10th, 2:30PM EME 2181

Stanford Graduate School of Business Lecturer in Entrepreneurship, Tony Seba, will be our MGMT 450 Guest Lecturer, Thursday, October 10th, at 2:30PM in EME 2181, speaking on “Entrepreneurship Opportunities in Clean Tech.” Tony Seba is also an entrepreneur, author, speaker, executive, management consultant and business architect. Tony will be appearing via live video conference from Stanford University to the MGMT 450 classroom.

Stanford Graduate School of Business Lecturer in Entrepreneurship, Tony Seba, will be our MGMT 450 Guest Lecturer, Thursday, October 10th, at 2:30PM in EME 2181, speaking on “Entrepreneurship Opportunities in Clean Tech.”   Tony Seba is also an entrepreneur, author, speaker, executive, management consultant and business architect.  Tony will be appearing via live video conference from Stanford University to the MGMT 450 classroom.

Tony Seba: Clean Energy, Economics and Entrepreneurship

May 24th, 2013

Tony Seba is the author of “Solar Trillions – 7 Market and Investment Opportunities in the Emerging Clean-Energy Economy” and “Winner Takes All – 9 Fundamental Rules of High Tech Strategy“. He is a lecturer in entrepreneurship at Stanford University where he teaches entrepreneurship, disruption, and clean energy. He has created and taught the following courses: “Understanding and Leading Market Disruption”,  “Clean Energy – Market and Investment Opportunities“, “Strategic Marketing of High Tech and Cleantech“, “Finance for Marketing, Engineers, and Entrepreneurs“. and “Business and Revenue Models Innovation“, He teaches at top business school around the world such as The Auckland University (New Zealand) Business School. and in-company at some of the world’s top high tech companies such as Google, Inc..


Tony Seba brings 20+ years of solid operating experience in fast-growth high tech and clean tech companies. He was Vice President, Corporate Development at “Utility Scale Solar, Inc.” where he helped the company grow from the garage-stage through growth strategy, fundraising, business development with plant developers and partners. He was previously founder and CEO of a B2B ecommerce site which he established as the undisputed leader in its market segment, winning such top industry awards as the Upside Hot 100 and the B2B ‘Best of the Web’. Seba led two venture capital rounds raising more than $31 million in funding from well-known venture funds, hired a complete management team, 100+ employees, and managed the development of strategic partnerships with some of the world’s top companies.

Prior to PrintNation, Mr. Seba worked in business development and strategic planning at Cisco Systems and RSA Data Security. Seba has been responsible for the architecture, development, and commercialization of more than two dozen products including Java security, electronic payment technology, sales force automation, computer-aided software engineering and ecommerce infrastructure.

Seba speaks frequently at clean energy, clean tech, entrepreneurship and high tech conferences and company events. He has been featured inComputerWorld, Business Week, Investors Business Daily, Forbes, Fast Company, Success and other media and holds entrepreneurship awards such as BridgeGate’s Top 20 Difference-makers.

Seba is a Global Cleantech Advisor  at Global Technology and Innovation Partners, and is on the advisory boards of Medifirst Systems, and Stanford Society for Entrepreneurship in Latin America. He has recently been on the Board of Directors of the Stanford Alumni Consulting Team and the San Francisco Jazz Organization. He has worked on ACT projects for organizations such as Stanford Office of Technology LicensingYerba Buena Center for The Arts and Girls Scouts USA.

Tony Seba holds an M.B.A. from Stanford University Graduate School of Business and a B.S. in Computer Science and Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

The Humble Thermostat: Another Strategic Web Battle

ecobeethermostatThe Ecobee Smart Thermostat, fully Internet capable

For years thermostats have been ugly and downright stupid devices that sit neglected on our walls. But over the past 18 months the connected thermostat has morphed into a gadget that has been drawing the attention of some of the most cutting-edge software startups, which are looking to use it to connect with utilities and consumers.

Unbeknownst to many, a Canadian company in Ontario, Ecobee, has been at the forefront of the smart thermostat market for quite awhile. The Ecobee device is fully integrated with the Internet, and does all of the things you might expect an Internet connected thermostat to do, using your smart phone while away in Zanzibar to monitor your home.  I quite like Ecobee.  But it would be another Canadian innovation tragedy if Ecobee got run over in this growing global battle, as has happened with so many Canadian companies.  I would be happier to see Ecobee begin acting like the global market player it is, attracting  major capital and Big Dog strategic partners.

But the market has been heating up for some time and many major technology players and lots of big Silicon Valley money are now in the fray.  A BC Hydro trial of advanced Smart Grid, solar heating, and Smart Meter (called Advanced Meter Initiative or AMI in BC) technologies has been going on quietly for some time on Vancouver Island. Another FortisBC trial is due to begin in the Okanagan sometime in the near future.  Home energy management networks are set to grow from being in 2 percent of U.S. households in 2011 to 13 percent, or about 16.2 million households, by 2015.

Intel-Intelligent-Home-Energy-ManagementIntel Intelligent Home Management Console, a reference design for OEM’s

Cisco Systems, General Electric, Google, Honeywell, Microsoft and Intel, along with a host of other companies are now focused on this home energy management market, developing new products and technologies that will be in our homes shortly.  Siemens spin-off startup, EnOcean, and the EnOcean Alliance are also part of this complex market mix.  EnOcean is the current leader in a related technology, “energy harvesting”, which will likely be one of the future major drivers in energy efficiency. Many home appliances are already “Internet ready.”  This is obviously an area of major global corporate competition.

So take another look at that ugly thermostat on your wall. Things are about to change.

For the record, I am not impressed with all of the Luddite hype opposed to smart meters.  One of BC’s environmental celebrities (not David Suzuki) is an opponent of wireless smart meters, citing anecdotal research on the health dangers of radio waves generally, but not on smart meters specifically.    On the one hand, this person decries climate change deniers who refuse to accept science, while he simultaneously denies science on radio signal propagation.  I follow this area of research fairly closely and have yet to see any convincing study that points to health problems with the radio signal propagation of smart meters.  I am a follower of Nikola Tesla, the recently resurrected “father of electrical energy generation and distribution”, who endeavored to dispel superstitions about electricity.  Unfortunately, many of those superstitions persist.

A Khosla Ventures-backed energy analytics startup called Bidgely is the latest to go after the next-gen smart thermostat, and it has told us that it has an agreement with thermostat maker Emerson to commercialize a thermostat in the coming months that syncs with Bidgely’s energy software. Bidgely’s algorithms can take home energy data and section out which appliances in the home are consuming what amount of power, without having extra hardware or sensors on each plug or appliance.

Consumers that can get that type of data can see, for example, if their pool pump is consuming too much energy in the winter time, or if their air conditioning unit is sucking down much more power than the average (see itemized bill). Utilities could offer such a smart thermostat to customers in their areas that want to be included in energy efficiency programs. Emerson’s thermostat wirelessly connects to smart meters or a home router with a Zigbee connection.


The deal between Emerson and Bidgely isn’t all that unique in the rapidly growing energy software sector. Emerson is also working with other software startups like EcoFactor, EnergyHub, and Calico Energy to have its thermostat sync with their software, too.

Next week at a major utility conference called Distributech, all of the energy software startups and large energy giants will be touting their smart, connected thermostats; including both new thermostat models and new services. The thermostat is a unique device. It’s an object that can provide demand response services for utilities, or the collective turning down of utility customers’ energy use during peak times (like a hot summer day in Texas). Software startups like EcoFactor can create algorithms that can do this, without making the climate of a home uncomfortable for the inhabitant.

The thermostat is also the latest device to become part of the growing world of the Internet of Things. In this always-on connected ecosystem, everything gets a connection, all devices are made smarter with software and data and these devices can make human lives easier, more interesting or more efficient.

Nest is one of the few that’s aggressively targeting consumers. Most of the energy startups are aiming for the utility market. One of the better known collaborations around a thermostat maker and an energy software company is between Opower and Honeywell. Honeywell is the giant in the thermostat maker market, and Opower is the leading energy software player.

Make sure to watch the buzz around smart thermostats and the entire market area defined by energy efficiency monitoring and management, in both commercial and home applications.