Rich, Young “Fuerdai” Chinese Are Buying Overseas Properties on Their Smartphones – WSJ

The truth is that for all of the tough talk from Li Xinping about stopping the massive outflows of capital from China, some of it probably dark money obtained from dubious enterprises and kickbacks, nothing has changed in China or in the Western cities eager to share in the wealth. Rich, Young “Fuerdai” Chinese Are Buying Overseas Properties on Their Smartphones. Millennials acquire real estate in other countries as hedge against a weakening currency, homes for their own children when they study abroad

The truth is that for all of the tough talk from Li Xinping about stopping the massive outflows of capital from China, some of it probably dark money obtained from dubious enterprises and kickbacks, nothing has changed in China or in the Western cities eager to share in the wealth.

Rich, Young “Fuerdai” Chinese Are Buying Overseas Properties on Their Smartphones

Millennials acquire real estate in other countries as hedge against a weakening currency, homes for their own children when they study abroad

An increasingly larger group of Chinese millennials are looking to buy property abroad. Above, a potential buyer inspects a house for sale in Australia.

An increasingly larger group of Chinese millennials are looking to buy property abroad. Above, a potential buyer inspects a house for sale in Australia.

BEIJING— Zheng Xiaohei, a marketer from Urumqi in western China, made his first overseas property investment without so much as a visit.

Mr. Zheng, 29 years old, in March purchased a studio apartment in Thailand for about 650,000 yuan ($94,255) using his smartphone and an app called Uoolu that connects users to overseas property listings.

“Investing in overseas real estate was mainly due to my good impression of Thailand,” Mr. Zheng said.

Founded two years ago, Beijing-based Uoolu is focused on tapping a specific group of home buyers: Chinese millennials looking for foreign properties.

About 70% of Chinese millennials, those born between 1981 and 1998, own a home, the highest share of respondents from nine countries and regions who were surveyed in a recent HSBC study. Chinese parents often register home purchases under their child’s name to prepare the child for marriage and raising a family, which likely boosts the percentage.

Still, a growing sliver of Chinese millennials are looking to buy property abroad. Kevin Lee, chief operating officer of Beijing-based consulting firm Youthology, put the percentage in the low single digits but said it would continue to increase.

The lure? A millennial’s desire to hedge against yuan depreciation and find affordable homes in cities with cleaner air for their children to live in when they study abroad. In the past year, home prices have soared to more than 30 times household income in major Chinese cities.

Uoolu said about 80% of its monthly active users are between the ages of 20 and 39, and that 20,000 customers have bought or are in the process of purchasing overseas property. A similar real-estate platform,, estimates that roughly 30% to 40% of its buyers are millennials.

Cherubic Ventures, a venture-capital firm with offices in Beijing and San Francisco, invested an undisclosed sum in Uoolu. One selling point, said the firm’s founder, Matt Cheng, was Uoolu’s target of reaching young Chinese buyers who are tech savvy and interested in cross-border investments, “but don’t know where to begin.”

Overseas investing isn’t easy at a time when the Chinese government is clamping down on capital flight amid concerns about a weakening currency. Chinese citizens aren’t allowed to transfer more than $50,000 a year out of the country or use those funds to buy overseas property.

However, this increased government scrutiny is “slowing but not cutting off” the surge of investment in U.S. property, said Arthur Margon, partner at Rosen Consulting Group.

“The more the government limits people, the more they want to invest overseas,” said Wang Hao, Uoolu’s 33-year-old chief operating officer.

People often skirt the foreign-exchange rules by, for example, pooling money among family members and friends and separately sending it into overseas bank accounts. Also, Chinese citizens who have studied or worked abroad for a few years might already have bank accounts in other countries and those overseas funds are beyond the Chinese government’s control.

Alan Wang, a 19-year-old college student in Toronto who comes from Shenzhen, said he opened a bank account in Canada for education expenses. Now it is useful for buying property, too. He and his family are thinking about purchasing a home on a budget of about 1 million Canadian dollars (US$730,600) this summer. To do so, he will have relatives send money to his bank account, he said.

Uoolu helps buyers open bank accounts in other countries and apply for mortgages there. Users pay a deposit to reserve the right to purchase a home. The money is sent directly from a buyer’s bank account to the overseas developer—Uoolu says it doesn’t handle the cross-border transaction within the mobile app.

Chris Daish, a real-estate agent at Triplemint in New York, said one of his Chinese clients, an accountant in her mid-20s who works in New York, earlier this year pooled $110,000 from five family members to help buy her a condo in the city.

“It’s a really arduous task even to get a couple hundred grand out,” said Mr. Daish, who emphasized that he doesn’t help clients with money transfers.

A 28-year-old who works in finance in Beijing in February bought two apartments in Bangkok for a total of 5 million yuan ($725,000), one for a vacation home and the other for rental income. She declined to disclose her name out of fear of government retaliation for violating capital controls.

As for some of her friends, she said, “They wish to buy but dare not.”

Source: Rich, Young Chinese Are Buying Overseas Properties on Their Smartphones – WSJ

More Evidence of the Massive Scale of Foreign Dark Money in Real Estate

UC Berkeley Professor, and former U.S. Secretary of Labor, Robert Reich posted this article providing further evidence of the massive scale of foreign investment in North American real estate, driven largely by dark Mossack Fonseca money.

The Surge in Foreign Real Estate Investment in the United States

By Laura Agadoni · Feb 25, 2016 · Real Estate

The Surge in Foreign Real Estate Investment in the United States

Image courtesy of BeSmartee, Foreign Real Estate Investment

Foreign real estate investment in the United States, both commercial and residential, is a huge phenomenon that is only expected to accelerate, maybe even to skyrocket, in 2016.

In fact, the United States, New York to be exact, is the top global destination for foreign real estate investors.

Here are the top cities attracting foreign real estate investment, according to a 2015 report from the Association of Foreign Investors in Real Estate (AFIRE):

  1. New York City, New York
  2. San Francisco, California
  3. Houston, Texas
  4. Los Angeles, California
  5. Washington, D.C.
  6. Atlanta, Georgia
  7. Boston, Massachusetts
  8. Chicago, Illinois
  9. Seattle, Washington

The top three U.S. cities, New York, San Francisco, and Houston, also ranked among the top global cities for investors. Here is the ranking of the top global cities for real estate investment:

  1. New York City, USA
  2. London, England
  3. San Francisco, USA
  4. Tokyo, Japan
  5. Madrid, Spain
  6. Houston, USA
  7. Berlin, Germany
  8. Sydney, Australia
  9. Shanghai, China

A strong U.S. economy is the driving factor for foreign real estate investment. Compared with other countries that are seeing an economic slowdown, such as China and Brazil, the United States makes for a safer investment.

Residential Real Estate Investment

Combine the relative strength of the U.S. economy with low interest rates and low prices after the housing crash, and you have a foreign real estate investment frenzy. From the period between April 2014 and March 2015, 8 percent of all home sales in the United States were to foreign investors.

Foreign investors buy residential real estate for different reasons. Some buy a home with the intention of it being their primary residence. But other times, foreign investors use the property as a vacation home, an investment, or as a way to diversify their assets.

Investments from China

Investments from China

Many foreign investors have large amounts of money, which they need to invest somewhere.China has been one of the most active players investing its capital in U.S. real estate. From April 2014 to March 2015, the Chinese invested $28.6 billion in the United States. And the investing is still happening. Chinese developer, Zhang Long, for example, bought land in late 2015 north of Dallas, Texas, to turn it into a subdivision populated with 99 McMansions for Chinese buyers.

But the Chinese buying spree in the United States didn’t start in Texas. It began in Manhattan and Silicon Valley and was a major factor in inflating home prices in those areas. California, overall, has been an attractive place for Chinese investors who often think nothing of paying cash for a $500,000 home in Orange County (mainly Irvine) or the San Gabriel Valley. And that’s just the average price. Some investors shell out millions of dollars for U.S. real estate. China’s impact did wane since its economic slowdown of 2015, but the investing lull might be only temporary.

Investments from Other Countries

Investments from Other Countries

Other large-scale investment activity into the United States comes from Canada, India, Mexico, and the United Kingdom. These four countries plus China made up 51 percent of all foreign purchases into the United States between April 2014 and March 2015. Although Chinese buyers focus largely on the West Coast, especially California, foreign investment in real estate happens throughout the country. Here’s a breakdown from the National Association of Realtors of where the other top foreign investors buy:

  • Canadians tend to buy in the warm climates of Arizona, Nevada, and Florida, mainly as vacation homes to escape Canadian winters.
  • Investors from India buy all over the United States, mainly as business ventures.
  • Mexicans tend to buy in Texas, particularly in the cities of San Antonio, Houston, and El Paso. San Diego, California, and Miami, Florida are also popular investment areas. Investments are a combination of business ventures and vacation homes.
  • K. investors tend to buy for business or vacation reasons in Los Angeles and San Francisco, California; New York City, New York; Orlando and Kissimmee, Florida; and Houston, Texas.

Pros and Cons of Foreign Investment

Having large amounts of money coming into the United States from foreign investors seems like a great thing. And it can be, but there is also a downside to all this foreign investment in U.S. real estate.

Pro: If you already own property in areas that are now attractive to foreign investors, you’ll see foreign investment as a benefit. Your house will be worth more with all the increased demand from foreign buyers, and you’ll probably make a profit if you decide to sell. If you decide to stay, you’ll enjoy a stronger local economy and potentially new housing developments that come with added amenities for the community.

Con: If you live in an area that’s attracting foreign investors, you might find that your neighborhood has a lot of vacant homes. Not all foreign investors, as was pointed out earlier, buy residential real estate to use as a primary residence. The home might be a vacation home that sits empty for much of the year. Or if foreign investors do intend to live in the home, it might take a long time for them to make the move from their country, again leaving the house vacant for a significant period.

Con: If you live in a hot investment area but don’t already own property there, you might be forced out of the housing market from the spike in real estate prices. Foreign investment can create a housing bubble in certain areas, making it difficult or practically impossible for Americans to buy a home in their own country. Although foreign investors typically are not in the same market as first-time homebuyers are (they are generally in a more upscale, higher-priced market), there could be a trickle-down effect that could ultimately raise prices for all price points.

Con: If you’re currently renting, you’ll probably be renting for a while longer, and rent prices will likely go up if demand increases.

Bottom Line

Whether you like the idea of foreign investors buying up property in the United States or whether you don’t, as long as wealthy foreign buyers see the United States as a safe place to park their money, the practice will continue. Although there are some cons to foreigners investing in the Unites States, the money they bring here strengthens local economies.