Should Digital Skills Be Required For A Management Degree?

I have a UBC Management student who is an excellent coder. He picked up his skills on his own, probably as far back as junior high school. But in talking with him now, he says that he hates coding. I told him that was perfectly normal and acceptable. Not everyone is cut out to be hacker. But I did emphasize to him that his experience and skills in the world of software would serve him well in his management career. It is my firm belief that not enough emphasis is placed on these skills in the Brave New World of management, rapidly morphing into one Big Data, Cloud, and Smart Mobile hairball. We can argue when, where and by whom it should be taught, but I urge all of my students to consider developing some of these skills, as being important to their management success. In the attached HBR Blog Network article below, students were polled as to the usefulness of one Harvard basic undergraduate course in computer science. My most important take away from that poll was the response from many students, that while they could not code and were not particularly technical, taking the course improved their confidence in dealing with engineering types, software development issues, the Web, and technical computing matters generally. I had the great good fortune to begin my career in the early days of Intel, but without any technical training. I thank my lucky stars for the education that Intel provided me. That kind of process is no longer feasible.

What About Digital Skills For Management Students?

I have a UBC Management student who is an excellent coder. He picked up his skills on his own, probably as far back as junior high school. But in talking with him now, he says that he hates coding. I told him that was perfectly normal and acceptable. Not everyone is cut out to be hacker. But I did emphasize to him that his experience and skills in the world of software would serve him well in his management career.  It is my firm belief that not enough emphasis is placed on these skills in the Brave New World of management, rapidly morphing into one Big Data, Cloud, and Smart Mobile hairball.  We can argue when, where and by whom it should be taught, but I urge all of my students to consider developing some of these skills, as being important to their management success.

In the attached HBR Blog Network article below, students were polled as to the usefulness of one Harvard basic undergraduate course in computer science. My most important take away from that poll was the response from many students, that while they could not code and were not particularly technical, taking the course improved their confidence in dealing with engineering types, software development issues, the Web, and technical computing matters generally.  I had the great good fortune to begin my career in the early days of Intel, but without any technical training. I thank my lucky stars for the education that Intel provided me. That kind of process is no longer feasible.

Read more: Why knowing how to code is so important

Read more: Integrated Big Data, Cloud, and Smart Mobile: Big Deal or Not?

Reblogged from the HBR Blog Network

Should MBAs Learn to Code?

by Thomas R. Eisenmann  |  11:00 AM September 2, 2013

This post was originally published on the author’s blog. It has been edited slightly.

“Should I learn to code?”

MBAs who lack programming skills often ask this question when they pursue careers in technology companies.

Bloggers like Yipit co-founder Vin Vacanti have shared views on the payoff from learning to code, as have several students at Harvard Business School, including Dana HorkMatt Boys, and Matt Thurmond.

I thought it’d be helpful to supplement bloggers’ perspectives with some survey data. I received responses from 24 of the 41 HBS students who enrolled over the past two years in CS50, the introductory computer science course at Harvard College.

MBA's Learning to Code Chart

My survey didn’t ask for comments on the quality of CS50 itself. The course is widely acclaimed; my colleague David Malan has grown its enrollment five-fold to 715 students over the six years he has served as lead instructor. Rather, my goal with the survey was to learn whether MBAs saw this well designed and rigorous course as a good investment of their time, given their career objectives and other course options. The tradeoffs are tricky: survey respondents reported spending an average of 16.3 hours per week on CS50 — perhaps 2-3x more time than they would spend on an MBA elective that yielded equivalent academic credit.

So, was it worth it? Of the 18 survey respondents who founded a startup, joined an existing startup, or went to work for a big tech company upon graduation, 83% answered “yes” to the question, “On reflection, was taking CS50 worth it for you?” and 17% said “not sure.” Of these 18 respondents, none said that taking CS50 was not worth it. By contrast, of the six respondents who pursued jobs outside of the tech sector — say, in consulting or private equity — only two said CS50 was a worthwhile investment; three said it was not; and one was not sure.


Respondents cited several benefits from taking CS50.

Writing Software. Respondents differed in their assessments of their current ability to contribute working code on the job, based on their CS50 learning. Several said they regularly do so, for example:

Kyle Watkins, who joined an existing startup, said he has “used CS50 skills to create a half dozen VBA programs that will likely save the startup I’m working for tens of thousands of dollars.”

Michael Belkin, who founded his own startup, said, “After taking CS50, I was able to build an MVP that would have cost at least $40K to outsource. And it was better, because I understood all the small details that drive a user’s experience. After HBS, I became one of the lead developers at my startup, which has saved the company several hundred thousand dollars.”

Communicating with Developers. Other respondents, especially those employed in large tech companies, said they couldn’t really write production software, but felt more confident in their ability to discuss technical issues with developers as a result of taking CS50. For example:

Jon Einkauf, a product manager for Amazon AWS, said, “I work with developers on my team every day to define and build new features. In addition, the users of my product are developers and data scientists. Taking CS50 gave me a glimpse of what it’s like to be a developer — to get excited about complex computer science problems, to get frustrated when you hit a bug. It taught me enough about software development that I don’t feel lost in my current job. I can ask intelligent questions, I can push back on the developers when necessary, and I am confident that I could teach myself anything else I need to learn.”

Luke Langford, who joined Zynga as a product manager upon graduation, said that CS50 “gave me a working knowledge and confidence to be able to review code. Product managers at Zynga don’t often work in code, but there were several times when I was able to diagnose issues and help the engineers identify why certain algorithms that calculated scores were wrong. Pre-CS50, I wouldn’t have been able to do that.”

Recruiting. Several respondents mentioned that their CS50 experience had helped persuade recruiters that they were committed to a career in technology. As one anonymous respondent reported, “I wanted to get a job at a tech startup and ended up as a product manager at one of NYC’s hottest tech startups. The founder, who is a CS PhD, was really impressed that I’d learned to code. I think it made a difference in getting the offer.”


The benefits from CS50 came at a considerable cost, however, in terms of workload. In addition to lectures and section meetings, the course has weekly problem sets, two mid-terms exams, and a final project that requires students to design and build an application.

Beyond the heavy workload, respondents who were less sanguine about the payoff from CS50 often cited its use of C to teach fundamentals such as functions, loops and arrays, rather than a more modern programming language. While acknowledging that C is well suited for this purpose, these students would have preferred more focus on languages used in web development (e.g., JavaScript, HTML, and PHP), which are covered in the last one-third of CS50’s syllabus. Likewise, some students said they understood why certain “academic” concepts (e.g., algorithm run times, security) were covered in an introductory CS course, but they did not view such concepts as salient to their “just learn to code” personal priorities.

Many respondents acknowledged that there are online options for learning to code that would not require as big a time commitment as CS50. However, they saw a graded course for academic credit as good way to ensure they would actually get the work done. An anonymous respondent said, “I knew that I would never learn programming if I didn’t have something — a problem set or test — to keep me accountable every week. I don’t want to generalize, but I highly doubt that most HBS people after doing their cases/travel/socializing are going to set aside time to consistently do Codecademy or Treehouse every week.”

Justin Ekins added, “You can learn everything in this course online, but, let’s face it, you’re not going to force yourself to do that. And you won’t get the depth of knowledge that CS50 will provide. It’s an outstanding course, and it’s incredibly well taught. I’d recommend taking it and then spending J term [three weeks in January when regular HBS classes do not meet] with Stanford’s online CS193P, which will get you to the point of building iPhone apps.”

Thomas R. Eisenmann


Tom Eisenmann is the Howard H. Stevenson Professor of Business Administration at the Harvard Business School, where he chairs the 2nd year of the MBA Program, co-chairs the Rock Center for Entrepreneurship, and leads the faculty team that teaches The Entrepreneurial Manager, a required 1st-year MBA course. He also blogs at Platforms & Networks. Follow him on Twitter @teisenmann

Engineer to Entrepreneur

At the request of Professor Ray Taheri of the UBC Engineering Faculty, I gave this guest lecture to all 4th year engineering students in ENGR 499 Capstone Project. From my background in entrepreneurial mentorship and entrepreneurial finance, I focused on the unique challenges engineers face in considering starting and developing a new venture. I discuss the full range of issues, but my personal emphasis, from experience, is the “character” issue. Some excellent engineers have successfully made the transition to entrepreneurship and executive management, but for others the odyssey is a bridge too far. Consequently, I place significant emphasis on honest self-analysis and appreciation of one’s strengths and weaknesses. Listening is a priceless skill.

At the request of Professor Ray Taheri of the UBC Engineering Faculty, I gave this guest lecture to all 4th year engineering students in ENGR 499 Capstone Project.  From my background in teaching management and entrepreneurial mentorship, I focused on the unique challenges engineers face in considering starting and developing a new venture. I discuss the full range of issues, but my personal emphasis, from experience, is the “character” issue.  Some excellent engineers have successfully made the transition to entrepreneurship and executive management, but for others, the odyssey is a bridge too far.  Consequently, I place significant emphasis on honest self-analysis and appreciation of one’s strengths and weaknesses.  Listening is a priceless skill. If you have experienced Larry Page, he is an excellent example of an engineer who has very successfully transitioned into a senior management role. Sergei, on the other hand, opted for a CTO-like role, which I think was the right choice for him.

Engineer to Entrepreneur Presentation Transcript

  • 1. Engineer to Entrepreneur Engineering 499 Capstone Project , Winter 2013 ©David Mayes 1
  • 2. Engineer to Entrepreneur David Mayes, Lecturer: UBC Faculty of Management ©David Mayes 2
  • 3. Engineer to Entrepreneur Engineering 499 Capstone Project, Winter 2013 David Mayes Lecturer, Faculty of Management ©David Mayes 3
  • 4. Lecturer Introduction: UBC Faculty of Management ENGR 499, Engineering Capstone Project ©David Mayes 4
  • 5. ENGR 499, Engineering Capstone Project Instructor Introduction David Mayes: UBC Faculty of Management LinkedIn Profile: UBC Office: EME 4151 (250) 807-9821 / Hours by appt. Email: Mobile: (250) 864-9552 Twitter: @mayo615 Experience: Executive management, access to venture capital, International business development, sales & marketing, entrepreneurial mentorship, technology assessment, strategic planning, renewable energytechnology. Intel Corporation (US/Europe/Japan), 01 Computers Group (UK) Ltd, Mobile Data International (Canada/Intl.), Silicon Graphics (US), Sun Microsystems (US), Ascend Communications (US/Intl.), P-Cube (US/Israel/Intl.), Global Internet Group LLP (US/Intl.), New Zealand Trade & Enterprise. ©David Mayes 5
  • 6. Agenda • Engineer to Entrepreneur: • Common Business Misperceptions • What is Entrepreneurship? • The need for Competitive Advantage • UBC Library “entrepreneurship”resources • UBC Small Business Accelerator ENGR 499, Engineering Capstone Project, Winter 2013 Engineer to Entrepreneur ©David Mayes 6
  • 7. Engineer to Entrepreneur: Common Misperceptions ENGR 499, Engineering Capstone Project ©David Mayes 7
  • 8. ENGR 499, Engineering Capstone Project Engineer to Entrepreneur: Common Misperceptions Misconception # 1: “Everybody Loves “Cool New Technology” • Not exactly! • Assess commercial viability first! • Listen to potential customers • Validate with third party market research ©David Mayes 8
  • 9. ENGR 499, Engineering Capstone Project Engineer to Entrepreneur: Common Misperceptions Misconception # 2: “I need to go-it-alone to insure quality & design elegance” • Working alone or only with other engineers sounds good, but… • You need a team with diverse skills to build a thriving business • Think “business management” from the outset ©David Mayes 9
  • 10. ENGR 499, Engineering Capstone Project Engineer to Entrepreneur: Common Misperceptions Misconception # 3: “Marketing is fluff and selling is black magic” • If you build it, they will NOT necessarily come! • In reality, many “best designs” lose to competitors with better marketing • Intel 8086 was a “DOG!” ©David Mayes b
  • 11. ENGR 499, Engineering Capstone Project Engineer to Entrepreneur: Common Misperceptions Misconception # 3: “Marketing is fluff and selling is black magic*” *UBCO Library ©David Mayes 11 Davidow, William, (1986); Marketing High Technology: An Insider’s View, New York, The Free Press
  • 12. ENGR 499, Engineering Capstone Project Engineer to Entrepreneur: Common Misperceptions Misconception # 4: “We need to maximize functionality before we focus on customers” • You can’t engineer the right functionality UNTIL you focus on listening to customers • Customers will buy only the functionality they need and want…nothing more ©David Mayes 13
  • 13. ENGR 499, Engineering Capstone Project Engineer to Entrepreneur: Common Misperceptions Misconception # 5: “A good engineer hates unpredictability and risk” • A good entrepreneur embraces risk • Engineer driven solutions are often too little, too late…if they ever ship! • Managing risk is good; trying to eliminate risk is bad ©David Mayes 13
  • 14. ENGR 499, Engineering Capstone Project Engineer to Entrepreneur: Common Misperceptions Misconception # 6: “We can’t worry about making money until we get it built” • If you can’t make money, it isn’t a business • Business and market constraints are key determinants of “getting it right” • Getting it right at the wrong cost = failure ©David Mayes 14
  • 15. ENGR 499, Engineering Capstone Project Engineer to Entrepreneur: Common Misperceptions Misconception # 7 “Outside financing causes loss of control and undue pressure to deliver” • Funding turbocharges a startup company • “Smart money” adds management value • Canadian gov’t grants focus on pure R&D • “Grantsmanship” is bad business strategy • Angels and VC’s focus on making money ©David Mayes 15
  • 16. ENGR 499, Engineering Capstone Project Engineer to Entrepreneur Suggested Reading* Uppuluri, Krishna (2011), Engineer to Entrepreneur, The First Flight, self-published, Krishna Uppuluri * UBCO Library ©David Mayes 16
  • 17. Agenda • Engineer to Entrepreneur: • Common Business Misperceptions • What is Entrepreneurship? • The need for Competitive Advantage • UBC Library “entrepreneurship”resources • UBC Small Business Accelerator ENGR 499, Engineering Capstone Project, Winter 2013 Engineer to Entrepreneur ©David Mayes 17
  • 18. What is Entrepreneurship? ENGR 499, Engineering Capstone Project ©David Mayes 18
  • 19. ENGR 499, Engineering Capstone Project What is Entrepreneurship? Entrepreneurial Opportunity • An economically attractive and timely opportunity that creates value. • The best opportunities exists only for the entrepreneur who has the interest, resources, and capabilities required to succeed. ©David Mayes 19
  • 20. ENGR 499, Engineering Capstone Project What is Entrepreneurship? The First Consideration: Your “Character” • Self-analysis: Do you have what it takes to be an entrepreneur? • Discuss your personality, capabilities, strengths and weaknesses with a mentor who knows you. • Listen! • Are you a visionary leader? • What about the chemistry with your team? • Investors will focus on three things: • “The team, the team, and the team.” ©David Mayes 20
  • 21. Entrepreneurial Incentives ©David Mayes 21 ENGR 499, Engineering Capstone Project What is Entrepreneurship?
  • 22. Drawbacks of Entrepreneurship • Hard work – Finding new customers and markets – Frustrations with financing, government, tax, technology, and employment issues • Long hours – 20% work more than 60 hours per week • Emotional loneliness • Strong possibility of failure • Disruptions to personal life ©David Mayes 22 ENGR 499, Engineering Capstone Project What is Entrepreneurship?
  • 23. Causes of Business Failure • Lack of managerial and financial abilities • Fail to adapt to competitive environment • A broad based study found the following: – 32% inadequate research and development – 23% lacked competitive advantage – 14% uncontrolled costs – 13% poorly developed marketing strategies – 10% poor market timing – 8% succumbed to competitor activities ©David Mayes 23 ENGR 499, Engineering Capstone Project What is Entrepreneurship?
  • 24. Characteristics of Artisan Entrepreneurs • A person with primarily technical skills and little business knowledge: – Paternalistic approach – Reluctance to delegate – Narrow view of strategy – Personal sales effort – Short planning horizon – Simple record keeping ©David Mayes 24 ENGR 499, Engineering Capstone Project What is Entrepreneurship?
  • 25. Characteristics of Opportunistic Entrepreneurs • A person with both business skills and technical knowledge: – Scientific approach to problems – Willing to delegate – Broad view of strategy – Diversified marketing approach – Longer planning horizon – Sophisticated accounting and financial control ©David Mayes 25 ENGR 499, Engineering Capstone Project What is Entrepreneurship?
  • 26. Four Routes to Entrepreneurship Entering a family business Opening a franchised business Starting a new business Buying an existing business ©David Mayes 26 ENGR 499, Engineering Capstone Project What is Entrepreneurship?
  • 27. Agenda • Engineer to Entrepreneur: • Common Business Misperceptions • What is Entrepreneurship? • The need for Competitive Advantage • UBC Library “entrepreneurship”resources • UBC Small Business Accelerator ENGR 499, Engineering Capstone Project, Winter 2013 Engineer to Entrepreneur ©David Mayes 27
  • 28. The Need for Competitive Advantage ENGR 499, Engineering Capstone Project ©David Mayes 28
  • 29. ENGR 499, Engineering Capstone Project The Need for Competitive Advantage Creating a New Business Entrepreneurs may start a new business from scratch due to several reasons: • A new product or service • Favourable conditions such as location, equipment, employees, suppliers or bankers • To capitalize on competitors’ weaknesses ©David Mayes 29
  • 30. ENGR 499, Engineering Capstone Project The Need for Competitive Advantage Evaluative Criteria – Market Factors ©David Mayes 30
  • 31. ENGR 499, Engineering Capstone Project The Need for Competitive Advantage Evaluative Criteria – Competitive Advantage ©David Mayes 31
  • 32. HMKNT 401, Introduction of Entrepreneurship The Need for Competitive Advantage Evaluative Criteria – Economics ©David Mayes 32
  • 33. ENGR 499, Engineering Capstone Project The Need for Competitive Advantage Types of Ideas That Evolve Into Start-ups ©David Mayes 33
  • 34. HMKNT, Introduction to Entrepreneurship The Need for Competitive Advantage Competitive Advantage • A firm offers a product or service that is perceived by customers to be superior to those of competitors, thereby promoting firm profitability • To establish competitive advantage, a business owner needs to understand the nature of the environment – External – what business potentials exist – Internal – what the firm is able to do ©David Mayes 34
  • 35. ENGR 499, Engineering Capstone Project The Need for Competitive Advantage Sustaining Competitive Advantage • An established, value-creating industry position that is likely to endure over time • Markets are dynamic and in constant flux • Results include superior profitability, increased market share, and improved customer satisfaction ©David Mayes 35
  • 36. ENGR 499, Engineering Capstone Project The Need for Competitive Advantage Assessing the Environment • The Macroenvironment – A broad environment with its multiple factors that affect most businesses in a society • STEEP – Sociocultural, Technological, Economic, Environmental, Political/Legal • Industry Environment – The combined forces that directly impact a given firm and its competitors ©David Mayes 36
  • 37. ENGR 499, Engineering Capstone Project The Need for Competitive Advantage Strategies That Capture Opportunities • Broad-Based Strategy Options –Seek an advantage in cost or marketing • Cost-Advantage Strategy and Options Requires the firm to be the lowest-cost producer » WestJet began as a low-fare, no-frills airline • Marketing-Advantage Strategy Emphasizing the uniqueness of the firm’s product or service » WestJet is moving to differentiate based on quality service ©David Mayes 37
  • 38. ENGR 499, Engineering Capstone Project The Need for Competitive Advantage Environmental and Organizational Impact on Opportunity Assessment ©David Mayes 38
  • 39. ENGR 499, Engineering Capstone Project The Need for Competitive Advantage Core Competencies and Assessing the Organization • Core Competencies • Value-creating organizational capabilities that are unique to a firm • Resources versus Capabilities • Resources are basic inputs that a firm uses to conduct business (capital, technology, equipment, employees, etc.) • intangible and tangible resources • Capabilities are the integration of several resources which are deployed together to the firm’s advantage. ©David Mayes 39
  • 40. HMKNT 401, Introduction to Entrepreneurship The Need for Competitive Advantage Venture Feasibility Assessment Model • Stage 1: Back-of-the-Envelope concept – Potential customers, technology available, match to entrepreneur, financial feasibility » Decision: go or no go • Stage 2: Research and Verification – Detailed analysis of customers, competition, HR required, technical and financial feasibility » Decision: go or no go • Stage 3: Refine the Concept – Detailed business plan » Decision: go or no go ©David Mayes 40
  • 41. ENGR 499, Engineering Capstone Project The Need for Competitive Advantage Taking the Plunge • A Precipitating Event An event, such as losing a job, that moves an individual to become an entrepreneur. Job termination Job dissatisfaction Unexpected opportunity ©David Mayes 41
  • 42. ©David Mayes 42 Mullins, John. (2010) 3rd Edition. The New Business Road Test. Harlow, UK: Prentice Hall, Financial Times Suggested Reading:
  • 43. Agenda • Engineer to Entrepreneur: • Common Business Misperceptions • What is Entrepreneurship? • The need for Competitive Advantage • UBC Library Resources • UBC Small Business Accelerator ENGR 499, Engineering Capstone Project, Winter 2013 Engineer to Entrepreneur ©David Mayes 43
  • 44. UBC Entrepreneurship Resources HMKNT 401 Introduction to Entrepreneurship ©David Mayes 44
  • 45. UBC Library “Entrepreneurship” Resources UBC-O Library Resources: • UBC Library, Industry Research Resource Guide: • UBC, additional Industry and Market Research Resources: ©David Mayes 45
  • 46. Agenda • Engineer to Entrepreneur: • Common Business Misperceptions • What is Entrepreneurship? • Start-up and the need for Competitive Advantage • UBC Library Resources • UBC Small Business Accelerator ENGR 499, Engineering Capstone Project, Winter 2013 Engineer to Entrepreneur ©David Mayes 46
  • 47. UBC Small Business Accelerator Human Kinetics 401, Introduction to Entrepreneurship ©David Mayes 47
  • 48. UBC Small Business Accelerator ©David Mayes 48
  • 49. Additional Entrepreneurial Resources ENGR 499, Engineering Capstone Project ©David Mayes 49
  • 50. • entrepreneurship@ubc • • UBC Industry Liasion Office (UILO) • Additional UBC Resources ©David Mayes 50
  • 51. Questions? ©David Mayes 51
  • 52. ©David Mayes 52